Artronic Development (ARDE)

Year 2000 (Y2K) Statement

Some of our clients were concerned about potential computer problems surrounding the transition to the year 2000. While Artronic Development could not help with all such problems, we did assure clients that we had taken steps to prevent this event from causing problems for our clients' Web sites.

Results: A Smooth Transition

As with many computer-based businesses, we are pleased to report that the transition to the year 2000 and the passage of the leap year were non-events for the services we provide our clients. All services continued without interruption. The following information will show you what we did to prepare.


All of our applicable hardware platforms perform correctly for the year 2000. PC platforms were checked with the YMARK2000 test software available from NSTL. Hardware which failed this test was either retired and replaced with newer, compliant hardware or relegated to off-line and testing activities so that it would have no impact to on-line services.

Our non-PC platforms (which may not be tested by the NSTL software) are year 2000 ready according to statements from the respective vendors.

System Software

Y2K statements from the suppliers of our mission critical, time-sensitive software all indicated that these services were checked and/or tested and would perform correctly during the transition to the year 2000. No problems were expected.

Custom Applications

All of the custom Web applications we provide to our clients were checked according to the Definition of Year 2000 Conformity Requirements provided by the British Standards Institution. We were able to asure our clients that all of our custom applications meet the performance requirements for year 2000 conformity as set forth in those requirements (DISC PD2000-1:1998).


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(Updated 02 Mar 2001)